We cannot manage if we don’t measure! Journey towards Net Zero starts with the measurement of your carbon footprint. It serves as a benchmark against which GHG reduction targets can be set and progress can be measured towards Net Zero.
A carbon footprint is the total quantity of greenhouse gas
emissions that are generated by our actions. It can be
reported for an individual, product, service, event,
organization or any activity where fossil fuels are consumed. It is expressed in carbon dioxide equivalent and calculated over a specific time period or at the activity level.
Carbon footprint calculations generally follow methodologies provided by globally recognised standards such as:
The emissions are classified into scopes based on an entity’s organizational and operational boundaries.
Scope 1 emissions (direct emissions) are emissions from sources that are owned or controlled by the organization. This may include say emissions from coal consumed in a boiler at the company’s factory;
Scope 2 emissions (indirect emissions) are emissions from purchased electricity, heat, steam or cooling consumed by the company, but generated elsewhere. For e.g, if a company purchases electricity from the grid, emissions associated with the generation of that electricity will fall in this category;
Scope 3 emissions (other indirect emissions) are emissions that occur as a consequence of the operations of the organization but are not directly owned or controlled by that organization. For example, emissions from the supply chain.
Coral Future will help you understand the risks and opportunities associated with your value chain emissions. This leads to identifying the biggest “hot spots” in the value chains – the activities that generate the most emissions. This insight allows businesses to focus on achieving the most meaningful reductions, not only from within their operations but across global value chains.
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) can help us make choices which are based on products and services that have a lower Carbon footprint. We can conduct a cradle to grave GHG assessment of products reporting carbon footprint estimates on the packaging. This information can give consumers a tool for making responsible low carbon choices.
We can support you in reporting the results of the carbon footprint exercise based on international best practices such as those recommended by GRI, CDP and other reporting and disclosure platforms.
Coral Future will help you understand the risks and opportunities associated with your value chain emissions. This leads to identifying the biggest “hot spots” in the value chains – the activities that generate the most emissions. This insight allows businesses to focus on achieving the most meaningful reductions, not only from within their operations but across global value chains.
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) can help us make choices which are based on products and services that have a lower Carbon footprint. We can conduct a cradle to grave GHG assessment of products reporting carbon footprint estimates on the packaging. This information can give consumers a tool for making responsible low carbon choices.
We can support you in reporting the results of the carbon footprint exercise based on international best practices such as those recommended by GRI, CDP and other reporting and disclosure platforms.