We harness the power of business to create a more sustainable world. We have more than 15 years' experience working on sustainability and carbon credits solutions.


To us, being a good advisor and a good solutions provider are one and the same.


To help you make informed decisions, here is an overview of how other climate initiatives are relevant to our work.

RE100 and I-RECs: How Can Corporates Buy Renewable Energy

Date: 15, Sep 2023

By Santosh Singh , Kamila Dias , Ivan Nicholas

RE100 and I-RECs: How Can Corporates Buy Renewable Energy Date: 15, Sep 2023 By Santosh Singh , Kamila Dias , Ivan Nicholas

RE100 encourages Corporates to set ambitious renewable energy targets and I-RECs gives them a practical option on how to purchase renewable energy and meet such targets.

Why Renewable Energy is important?

Amid the challenge of climate change, the need to transition to cleaner, more sustainable energy sources cannot be overstated. As the shift towards renewable energy is gaining momentum, corporations across the globe assume a pivotal role in facilitating this change.

In the quest towards a sustainable and clean energy future, two groundbreaking initiatives have emerged as true game-changers: RE100 and International Renewable Energy Certificates (I-RECs). While they have distinct roles and functions, these initiatives are inherently interconnected, working together to drive the global transition towards renewable energy. In this article, we are going to explore the relationship between RE100 and I-RECs and why their synergy is important in the fight against climate change.


RE100: Committing to using 100% Renewable Energy

RE100 is a global initiative that encourages businesses globally to transition to 100% renewable electricity for their operations. It’s a powerful commitment by influential corporations to reduce their Scope 2 emissions and support the widespread adoption of renewable energy sources. Companies that join RE100 pledge to source their electricity needs entirely from renewables, often setting ambitious deadlines to achieve this goal. The initiative’s primary goal is to accelerate the adoption of renewable energy among businesses as a means of mitigating climate change and reducing carbon emissions. Participating companies commit to sourcing 100% of their electricity needs from renewable sources, such as wind, solar, hydro, and geothermal energy, typically within a specified timeframe.

RE100 not only encourages corporate sustainability but also promotes market transformation by increasing demand for renewable energy. By sharing experiences, best practices, and challenges, member companies help pave the way for a cleaner and more sustainable energy future while setting a positive example for others in the corporate world.


I-RECs: Ensuring Renewable Energy’s Legitimacy

I-REC is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EACs) that represents (1) one megawatt hour (MWh) of energy generation from renewable sources.  I-RECs are all about accountability and transparency in claiming usage of renewable energy and reporting to RE100. They provide a standardized way to track and certify the source of renewable energy generation, ensuring that the energy consumed matches the source’s environmental attributes. This is essential because it allows consumers, organizations, and governments to make informed choices and demonstrate their commitment to sustainability.


Corporate Commitments to the Climate Change (RE100)

In the face of the climate crisis, businesses are recognizing their pivotal role in driving change. The RE100 has gained remarkable traction in recent years, with hundreds of influential corporations pledging to transition to renewable energy sources. These companies understand that sustainability is not just a buzzword but a fundamental component of their long-term business success. By adopting renewable energy, they reduce their environmental impact, cut energy costs, and demonstrate their commitment to a sustainable future.


Why should corporations invest in Renewable Energy?

Corporates should consider purchasing I-RECs and other types of EACs for several compelling reasons:

1. Environmental Responsibility

Investing in I-RECs demonstrates a commitment to environmental sustainability. It allows companies to reduce their carbon footprint by supporting renewable energy generation, which is crucial in combating climate change.

2. Meeting Sustainability Goals

Many businesses have set ambitious sustainability targets, including carbon neutrality or 100% renewable energy use. Purchasing I-RECs helps them achieve these goals and aligns their operations with their sustainability commitments.

3. Enhancing Reputation

Public perception matters. Companies that actively support renewable energy through the purchase of I-RECs can enhance their reputation as environmentally responsible and socially conscious organizations, which can attract customers and investors.

4. Regulatory Compliance

In some regions, there are regulatory requirements for businesses to procure a certain percentage of their energy from renewable sources. Purchasing I-RECs can help companies meet these legal obligations efficiently.

5. Supporting Renewable Energy Growth

By purchasing I-RECs, companies directly contribute to the growth of the renewable energy sector, encouraging more investment in clean energy projects and technologies.


In summary, purchasing I-RECs is a strategic move that aligns with both corporate sustainability objectives and broader environmental goals. It not only benefits the planet but can also enhance a company’s reputation, reduce risks, and lead to cost savings in the long run.

Our team of experts is available to support you in your journey towards sourcing renewable energy globally.  We are capable of analyzing your energy demand, sources, and geography and can offer a customized service on how to purchase I-RECs from multiple renewable energy technologies and locations.  The I-RECs we provide will be fully in compliance with the technical requirement of RE100 from a careful selection of high-quality renewable energy projects.  For more details, please send us an inquiry.